Hi everyone!
I'm so excited to share with you this amazing advice, hacks and tips! All about the beach, and how to go to the beach with style!!!
First things first, I just want to say that the beach is one of the best things created! I love going to the beach. So cool, and not only that, so aesthetic! Pretty 🤩!!
So, here are some beach hacks, and to make your experience as joyous and fun as possible!:
Be organized!!! - One of the only things that make us dirty after the beach is not organizing well. Always make sure that if you go in the water, or lie in the sand, you properly wash yourself. Firstly because it will be more to do and clean later, and second because you will have a lot of dirtiness on your belongings.
Always put on sunscreen!! - Doctors say that no burn is good for you. If you would like to tan, you can tan with sunscreen on. Burns can later lead to skin cancer and can be a problem.
Bring stuff to do! - With all the in and out of the water (if you like going in and out of the water) you may be a little bored! Bring a great book! Bracelets! Something to occupy yourself!
Put on sunscreen!! - Not only is this good because it lets the sunscreen dry a little, but it is less of a hastle, and not sandy everywhere.
That's it for hacks, but now clothing time!!!
What are the best beach clothes, you ask? Oh, I'd love to tell you!
In my opinion, there is no specific beach clothing. There are things that flatter some and not others, and that's okay! I think that if you put on a cool outfit, something you can enjoy in, and maybe take off later, that's great! Whatever you feel makes the best you. In stores they try to sell things to put on top of your bathing suit. I personally think that's cool, but it's not for everyone!
What to bring to the beach
(Assuming you are already wearing a bathingsuit)
Extra sunscreen
Flip Flops (If they're not already on)
A snack
That's it I think!
Now here is some cool inspo for the beach!!!

Thanks so much once again for reading,
Have fun at the beach!!!